SAS Test & Repair LTD

SAS Test and Repair,
Florida Close,
Tel: (01782) 815736

Engine Repair

Has an engine light appeared on your dashboard? Call us and book in.

Brake Repairs

Have your brakes started to make a high squeel noise? Or are they just not braking as well as they should? Give us a call.

Fluid Exchanges

Brake fluid, Gear fluid, Oil? You name we can replace it for you.


Maintain the vehicle to a good standard

The foundation of good motoring is good maintenance.

Ensure your tyres are up to code.

Nobody wants to get pulled over and get a ticket due to poor tyres. Having Bald/Defective tyres could land you a CU30 on your licence; That's 3 points and something you will need to declare to your insurer.