SAS Test & Repair LTD

SAS Test and Repair,
Florida Close,
Tel: (01782) 815736

Engine Repair

Has an engine light appeared on your dashboard? Call us and book in.

Brake Repairs

Have your brakes started to make a high squeel noise? Or are they just not braking as well as they should? Give us a call.

Fluid Exchanges

Brake fluid, Gear fluid, Oil? You name we can replace it for you.

MOT Testing

We are certified by DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency) formly VOSA to carry out MOT's on vehiles within the UK.
What we offer:

We offer MOT's for all types of vehicles. We have highly qualified testers working for us here at SAS and you are in truly capable hands - not only can we do the test but IF your vehicle does fail we will tell you why and can offer you the repair, but will consult you before carrying out any work.

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Viewing Gallery available

Our client waiting area has a viewing gallery for you to see our expert testers carrying out the test on your vehicle.

Replacement Parts

Not only do we offer testing but we also offer replacement parts (subject to availability) If you need parts we can order them in; We can get genuine or OEM parts dependant on you and your budget.

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